Cribl Edge & Search Homelab Part 3 - Exposing Minio to the Internet

Next, we need to get Minio exposed to the Internet so that Cribl’s search workers, running in AWS Lambda, can access the S3 compatible API exposed by Minio. In my last post, I mentioned Tailscale as a way to bridge the Internet to my Kubernetes cluster. Now, they’ve provided a new alpha level feature which makes it even easier, Tailscale Funnels. Tailscale provides several advantages for my home setup:

  1. Universal reachability, like my laptop is on the LAN from anywhere
  2. Central DNS for all nodes
  3. Central SSH key management for all nodes
  4. Tunneling from the Internet, including managing TLS certicates automatically

If you haven’t setup Tailscale at all, check out the Quickstart. Setting this up is pretty easy. I followed the instructions at the Tailscale Funnel docs. Specifically on the Minio node, I used the following:

sudo tailscale serve / proxy 9000

Once you’ve setup Funnel, you’ll end up with Minio publicly accessible via which you can see from:

sudo tailscale serve status

Next, let’s configure Cribl Search to talk to our Minio instance

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